Game Summaries & Headlines.

Seton Conquistador Varsity Claims Blow-Out Victory Over Foxcroft, 14-4
5.0 years ago @ 11:43AM
- Game Date
- May 8, 2019
- Score
- Seton School: 14
- Seton Conquistador Varsity Claims Blow-Out Victory Over Foxcroft, 14-4
- Seton Conquistador Varsity asserted their will over Foxcroft on their way to an easy 14-4 victory
- Foxcroft got things moving in the first inning, when an error scored one run for Foxcroft.
- Seton Conquistador Varsity pulled away for good with six runs in the third inning. In the third Madeline Byers singled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run, Claire Witter singled on a 0-1 count, scoring one run, Christie Pacheco doubled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring one run, and an error scored two runs for Seton Conquistador Varsity.
- Lydia Lewandoski led the Seton Conquistador Varsity to victory in the pitcher's circle. She lasted six innings, allowing four hits and four runs while striking out eight.
- Annie Zimmerman took the loss for Foxcroft. She lasted five and two-thirds innings, allowing eight hits and 14 runs while striking out ten.
- Seton Conquistador Varsity had eight hits in the game. Pacheco and Katie Albin each racked up multiple hits for Seton Conquistador Varsity. Albin and Pacheco each managed two hits to lead Seton Conquistador Varsity.
- May Schulte led Foxcroft with two hits in three at bats.